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NY/NJ/PA Area Junior Golf Tour

Player of the Year Points Standings



UsSSA Junior Golf tour

USSSA Golf was initiated to provide more junior golf events, allowing more junior players the opportunity to compete at their respective level of play


Rules & Policies

Disqualification Policy:    USSSA Junior golf local rule will not disqualify any player from age 5 to 18 in 1 day events.  If a player causes and infraction that would normally require a DQ that player will receive a 10 on that hole. 


Max Shot per Hole Rule:   Ages 12 and under can only shoot a max of double par on any hole

Players age 13 and up have no maximum score per hole


Late to the tee:   All golfers are required to be at their starting tee 10 minutes prior to their tee time.  Failure to arrive on time will be an automatic 1 stroke penalty.   If all the golfers have already tee'd off you may join the group but will take a 10 for the first hole.  If the group has finished the first hole and tee'ed off on the 2nd hole the player may not join them.  


Pace of Play Policy: Pace of play is extremely important. USSSA NJ Junior golf will play "READY GOLF" at all times.  USSSA Junior Golf has developed a pace of play policy, based on Rule 6-7, that is fair to each and every competitor. Rule 6-7. Undue Delay; Slow Play states: “The player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines the Committee may establish. Between completion of a hole, and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play.” As a general rule, these include:


1st Breach: Any competitor who is discovered taking more than 60 seconds to play a stroke is subject to a WARNING for slow play, and will be advised of the fact.


2nd Breach: Any competitor who is discovered taking more than 60 seconds to play, and has been issued his/her warning, a ONE STROKE penalty will be assessed to the player in violation.


3rd Breach: Any competitor who is discovered taking more than 40 seconds to play for a third time, will be issued a TWO STROKE penalty. A two stroke penalty will result in any additional breaches. A warning is any notice given to a competitor regarding pace of play.


A competitor’s time to play begins when the competitor has had a reasonable opportunity to reach his or her ball and when it is the competitor’s turn to play and can do so without interference or distraction. Penalties are applied INDIVIDUALLY, but more than one competitor in a group may be penalized. In general, competitors in a group are subject to being timed at any time, but specifically when the group is deemed to be out of position and over the allotted pace of play guidelines A group is deemed to be “Out of Position” when it falls more than 15 minutes behind the group in front of them.


Stipulated Rounds/Shortened Rounds:   If for some reason a full round cannot be completed a stipulated round will count for the final standing.  5 holes is the minimum that must be played for 9-hole players, 9 holes is the minimum that must be completed for 18-hole players for a stipulated round to count.  All holes completed by the age group will count towards the stipulated round.  


Pull Carts:   Pull carts are allowed by all players provide the course allows them to be used


Electronic Devices:  All electronic devices are allowed on the tour.  The player still needs to make the shot.


Caddies / Caddie Bibs:   All players may have a caddie.  The caddie must wear a caddie bib to designate they are the one and only caddie.  It does not need to be a USSSA Golf bib.  It can be ANY tour/logo caddie bib. If you would like a USSSA caddie bib you can purchase one with the following link: CADDIE BIB .  Players under 10 must have a caddie.  Players 10 and over are not required to have one but it is strongly advised that you do have one.  All Caddies are allowed to rent a golf cart and cart the clubs.   They must adhere to the cart policies of the day (ie 90 degree, cart path only, etc )

Age Divisions and Yardage:
Any boy or girl 5-18 years old who has not yet begun college is eligible to play on the USSSA Junior Golf Tour. Graduating high school seniors are encouraged to compete throughout the summer after their senior year in high school.  Age Divisions and Yardages are as follows:
Boys 15-18 6400-7100 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course
Boys 13-14 6000 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course
Boys 12 5800 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course
Girls 15-18 6000 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course
Girls 13-14 5800 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course
Girls 12 5000 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course/or USSSA
Boys 11  5000 Yards Tees Determined by Local Course/ or USSSA
Boys 10  2500 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Boys 9  2000 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Boys 8  2000 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Girls 10-11 2000 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Girls 8-9 1500 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Boys 7u 1500 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees

Girls 7u  1200 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
Boys 6u
 1200 Yards Tees Determined by USSSA tees
usssa nj/k&j sPORTS llc




Tel: 732-735-2945

Fax: 732-960-9215



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Up Coming Schedule

Pre-Season 2022

Summer 2022 Season

July 9th -    Bunker Hill GC    2pm start
July 17th-    Gambler Ridge   12pm start
July 24th-   Princeton CC   12pm start
Aug 13th-   Mt. View  12pm start
Aug 14th-   Ash Brook 12pm start
Aug 21st-   Hopewell Valley (tour championship) 12pm start


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